Pastry Crust

For my daughter Daphne on her birthday, because she likes to snack on this crust by the handful, before it even sees a tart form. My other daughter thinks it tastes like a "better version of a Lara bar." Either way, it's delicious and versatile. It's yummy crumbled on top of things in granola fashion too. Happy Birthday to my Darling Daphne girl and Happy Day to everyone else out there too!
Pastry Crust
Makes enough to line the bottom of an 8 inch tart form, or round cake pan
or 40-48 mini tarts the size of a mini cupcake
3/4 cup whole nuts, *see notes for alternative
1/3 cup shredded or flaked coconut, unsweetened
1/3 cup pitted dates
1/4 tsp. sea salt
1 Tbsp. vanilla
1. Put nuts and coconut into a small blender, or food processor.
2. Chop the dates into pieces after measuring. They take longer to break down than the nuts, so this will help the mixture break down properly.
3. Add salt and vanilla.
4. Pulse, scraping down and stirring up mixture from the bottom occasionally, until it comes together. Make sure not to over blend, or it will start turning to nut butter. You want a lighter texture that's a bit course like below.

4. Press into each cup of a lined mini cupcake pan.
5. Top with desired filling and enjoy!
For an alternative to nuts, use buckwheat groats.
Use organic ingredients.
Use raw, soaked and dehydrated nuts.
If using buckwheat in place of nuts, sprout and dehydrate first.